The external factors causes the aging process is caused by an unhealthy diet, life, bad habits, pollution and stress. This aging process can be slowed with a popular product called anti-aging.
According to dr. Edwin Djuanda, GDSS, who has studied anti-aging in the U.S. seven years ago, anti-aging medicine is a branch of the study, prevent, treat early, and treat aging process. Therefore, the aging process can be regarded as a disease.Oxis on Twitter
Antioxidants Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is the primary antioxidant, an enzyme that is already there in the body that serves as the destruction of protective cells in the body and prevent the process of inflammation caused by free radicals.Oxis on facebook
Research shows that SOD showed regenerative effect on tissue damage due to aging, illness and injury (Lefaix, 1993). Results of research reports in the Journal of Nature Genetic and USA Today daily news show that SOD provides the maximum benefit as anti aging.