talked about the website, of course not be separated from some of the file extension that we know is shared, such as HTML, ASP, JavaScript and File Extension PHP. for beginners in the world of website, must feel some confusion with the file extension. but for those who have advanced in the world of website, I guarantee he was already familiar with the file extension.
in this case, talk about File Extension PHP, we can not be separated from the dynamics of a website, using the php file, the web that you will manage the good and beautiful ... in terms of dynamic content and cool website.
dynamic website has content that has changed periodicly - editable. Application of this dynamic website often we can find on the internet today: Portal news, social networking sites, blogs, etc..
Dynamic Website always has a dynamic program that works on the server because in time the content of the website is changed. So, one of the characteristics of dynamic website is the program that runs on the server to manage the changes in data that is displayed by the website is dynamic.
need sufficient expertise to manage the website with file extensions php, as in managing a website with php file extensions, more difficult than just a website managed with HTML .... only to find out how good our website, we can know about it in terms of dynamic or not a website